Additional Info
Title: The Hunger S2E2 - Skin Deep
Release date: 1999-2000
Genre: Erotic TV-Show
Country: U.S.A., Canada, U.K.
Director: Jeff Fazio
Starring: Kate Vernon, Sarain Boylan and David Bowie hosts a half-hour show.
Language: English
Length: 27 minutes
IMDb erotic movie ID: tt0118346
A young woman seeking a female partner meets Roxanna, an erotic dancer, at a nightclub and they begin an affair. This leads to new experiences of pleasure and pain as well as flirting with death. But when will the flirtation turn serious.
The Hunger is erotic TV series versions of Tales From The Dark Side and the like, with a touch of class, dealing as they do with power, sex, lust and driving urges.