Additional Info
Title: Playboy Asian Exotica
Release date: 1998
Genre: Erotic Documentary
Country: USA
Director: Steve Silas
Starring: Carolyn Liu, Jessica Garvin, Lisa Marie Scott, Lynn Thomas, Sung Hi Lee, Teri Weigel, Venice Kong
Language: English
Length: 50 minutes
IMDb erotic movie ID: tt0216091
The alluring mystique of women from the Far East is openly examined in this tempting travelogue. Famous for secretive sexual pleasures and rituals, Asia is home to such practices as Tantra and the Kama Sutra, which celebrate the acts of physical love rather than hiding them away. Aside from these ancient traditions, Playboy's Asian women pay homage to their favorite new sensualities, including the exploration of Leather and Latex. Prepare for a new level of eroticism.
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